Monday, November 2, 2015

Rational Root Theorem

Hi Pre-Calculus friends! So from the previous blog post, Lea talked about how to divide using long and synthetic division. She mentioned that P(a)=Remainder and that if the remainder equals to 0, it is a factor of the polynomial. These information and methods are important to know when you are trying to find possible roots of a polynomial.

When you are given a polynomial, there is an "a" and "k" which are labelled below. 

Finding the factors of k and a and dividing them will help you look for a remainder of zero(a factor)

Let's try an example:

Example 1: Write the factors that can be tried in the polynomial to check for rational roots of P(x), given, 

Now let's try to do an example on how to find possible roots by doing it step by step.

Example 2: Find the possible roots of: 

I hope my examples and steps will help you find real roots of a polynomial function. It will be the same steps with any other polynomial function.

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